“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”
This is the quintessence of any learning process, because learning is changing something by experience- so that, we maximize in our approach the experiential side.
Good decisions come from experience, but experience come from bad decisions.
Both in training and coaching, we focus differently the variety of the styles, areas, steps and ways of learning, according to the results of the assessment and the objectives of the client.
We foresee anytime the usage of anything learned before, by creating integral applicable solutions.
We build educational programs by a 7 steps model:
1. ASSESSMENT= what is to be improved
2. SOLUTIONS FINDING = building up success models
3. TESTING = verifying the models
4. INCLUDING SOLUTIONS IN AN EDUCATIONAL FORMAT = training manuals, educational movies, workshops, exercises , role-plays
5. IMPLEMENTING = providing the seminars with our trainers or certifying the client's trainers
6. EVALUATION = researching the application way and proposing action plans
7. FOLLOW UP = by new training program
We provide a wide variety of educational methods:
• individual written exercises
• small groups exercises
• simulations and role plays
• reading
• presentations
• group exercises
• video analysis
The peoples' personal development comes from learning and generates the change